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Americans with


The attorneys at CWG represent individuals with disabilities who have been harmed by
violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA guarantees equal treatment
and access for disabled persons, including the blind and those who require the use of a

wheelchair or other mobility device. The ADA requires that all places of public accommodation, including retail stores, banks, movie theaters, and restaurants, be equally accessible to individuals with disabilities, and provides many specific guidelines that public accommodations must follow. Yet, despite the ADA’s requirements, many public accommodations remain non-compliant.

Compliance with the ADA often requires existing public accommodations to make
reasonable modifications in policies,
practicesand procedures, and to remove architectural and structural communication barriers. In many cases, such as handicapped parking spaces,
building access, and automated teller machines, the ADA provides specific guidelines that must be followed for public accommodations to be compliant with the ADA.

CWG has successfully challenged policies, procedures, and physical barriers on behalf of
clients that have been denied access to public accommodations in violation of the ADA,
including accommodations that failed to follow the requirements for handicapped parking and ATM and electronic kiosk machine accessibility. If you believe you have been denied full access to a public accommodation because of your disability, the attorneys at CWG may be able to help you protect your rights under the ADA.

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